Privacy Policy

At Jaipuri Clothes, safeguarding your privacy is paramount. Your trust is invaluable, and we respect and value your privacy deeply. This policy outlines our approach to user data collected from sources like and offline channels. Applicable to both current and past website visitors and online customers, this Privacy Policy governs your usage of our platform. By accessing and using our site, you signify agreement with this Privacy Policy.

Jaipuri Clothes operates with a registered office at plot no. 31, p and t colony, shanti nagar, civil lines, jaipur (Rajasthan).

Contact Information:

We may gather details such as your name, email, mobile and phone numbers, street address, city, state, pin code, country, and IP address.

Payment and Billing Information:

We may collect billing-related data including your billing name, address, and payment method. Notably, we NEVER collect credit card numbers or related details on our website. Credit card information is processed by our online payment partner, RAZORPAY.

Information You Share:

Any information you post in public spaces on our site or on related social media platforms affiliated with Jaipuri Clothes is collected.

Demographic Insights:

We could collect demographic data, your event preferences, intended participations, purchased tickets, and any other information you provide, sometimes through surveys.

Other Information:

While using our website, we may record your IP address, browser type, referring site, duration of your visit, accessed pages, and the subsequent site you visit upon leaving ours. We might also gather device information like device type and operating system version.

Diverse Data Collection:

Data is collected in several ways. Directly from you during event registration, ticket purchase, and interactions like comments or queries. Passively through tools like Google Analytics, Google Webmaster, cookies, and web beacons. Additionally, third-party integrated social media features might provide us certain information about you.

Usage of Your Data:

Contact: Information may be used for purchase confirmations and promotional communications.

Responding: We may use data to respond to your inquiries or confirm event registrations.

Improvement: Data helps enhance our products, services, and user experience.

Trend Analysis: Your information aids in analyzing site trends and customer interests.

Security: Data may be used for safeguarding company, customer, or website interests.

Marketing: We might share special promotions, new features, or third-party offers.

Transactional Communications: Account-related emails or SMS may be sent.

Lawful Use: Data may be used in compliance with legal mandates.

Sharing Data:

Third-party service providers may access information for processing, and business partners might use data per their policies. In legal cases or protecting our interests, data may be shared. Changes to this policy are communicated and you may opt-out of marketing emails.

Third-Party Sites:

Clicking third-party links directs you to external sites beyond our control. This policy doesn’t apply to their practices.

Policy Updates:

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 12.08.2023. Changes will be notified as per law, and an updated version will be available on our website.


By using our website, you agree that disputes regarding privacy are governed by this Policy and the website’s terms of use, under Indian laws.